The 7 Best Money Magnet Stones You Need in Your Life

Monday, November 13, 2023 • crystals-and-gemstones
Money Magnet Stones

There are certain gemstones spread all over the world that have magical money-attracting abilities and can help you get out of a feast-and-famine situation. 


Yet due to some mysterious reasons, these stones remain largely unknown. Maybe their secret is safeguarded because of their innate ability. I’m going out on a limb here even talking about them and I hope you make full use of this information. 

Money Magnet Stones


1. Lapis Lazuli

There are many money magnet stones out there that attract wealth. Then there are some that clear your mind of doubts regarding money while attracting wealth simultaneously, like lapis lazuli.

When you look at it for the first time, you’ll be enchanted by its blue color. Speckled with flecks of gold, this is the stone you need to welcome prosperity and abundance into your home. Even coming across this stone randomly will make you more level-headed about money than ever before. 

Moreover, this is the stone you need if you want to have a clear-headed approach to life, the strength of character to leave behind something or someone that isn’t helpful anymore and the ability to overcome life’s challenges.

money magnet stones

2. Sodalite

Are you suffering from negative thoughts that hold you down and keep you from achieving your true potential? If yes, then don’t worry. It happens to the best of us. And if you wish for support during this journey, sodalite is one of the best money magnet stones for you.

Sodalite will balance both your mind and heart. It’s also helpful in striking a balance in monetary matters between your logic and emotions. Finally, it’s one of the ideal stones to help you solve problems.

money magnet stones

3. Selenite

If you’re someone who’s looking to clear her energies and channel them in a more positive manner, then this is the stone you need. Selenite is known as one of the most useful money magnet stones as it attracts abundance and good fortune.

You might not know, but selenite can help you get rid of the physical and mental junk that’s been piling up around you and in your mind. You’ll only be able to truly attract wealth and abundance when you detoxify your environments, both inside and out.

Gemstones, such as selenite, diamond, tourmaline and more, have different healing powers and can influence our lives in countless ways. If you want to know what these powers are, read our post on the spiritual meaning of stones spiritual meaning of stones

money magnet stones

4. Bloodstone

Are you someone who wants endless strength, grit, determination and resilience? Do you want to be able to achieve all of your monetary goals and become a successful person in life? If that sounds like you, then a bloodstone is what you need.

Bloodstones are unlike other money magnet stones that you’ll see here. For one, it will protect your money and also invite more of it. Also, it will keep you stable in your root chakra, giving you an unshakable resolve and preventing you from collapsing when things go south.

money magnet stones

5. Andalusite

Andalusite’s black diagonal lines that crisscross through the stone in many places make it very easy for you to have a clear space to focus on, drawing the stone’s energy straight into what you want. This ability makes it some of the best money magnet stones available.

This stone will help you realign and understand your priorities in a better way. If you feel stuck in one or multiple aspects of life and cannot figure out what path to take, you can count on this stone’s help.

money magnet stones

6. Turquoise

Turquoise is an excellent stone that attracts wealth and should be specially used if your income is tight. If you’re in a situation where you have to spend everything you’re making to survive, Turquoise is one of the few money magnet stones that you can get out of this situation.

However, people who spend money way too quickly and are left with empty wallets before the end of every month may also use it to bring forth abundance and prosperity.

This money stone will keep you aware of every cent that you spend, so you can be controlled with your finances.

money magnet stones

7. Rutilated Quartz 

This is one of the most interesting types of clear quartz as it has rutile inclusions, which are also called Angel’s hair. It has ethereal powers and will help you make better financial decisions. 

It’s also one of the most insight-giving money magnet stones because it’ll assist you in having a clear mind and aid you in positively handling the ups and downs of life.

Finally, if you’ve been wanting to change your way of life, a rutilated quartz will be of great help as it’ll lead you to a path of self-discovery and regaining control over your life.

Do you want to know about clear quartz and its unreal healing abilities which you can use? Read all about it money attraction crystals

money magnet stones

Summing Money Magnet Stones Up

Attracting money, as well as good fortune, clarity, power and resilience all are possible when you harness the power of these money magnet stones. Use them to get infinite wealth and bring forth more and more abundance into your life.

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