The Top 10 Crystals for Love You Need in Your Life ASAP!

Wednesday, January 10, 2024 • crystals-and-gemstones
crystals for love

Are you someone who wants to experience love for the first time? Maybe you’ve left a relationship recently and want to feel loved again. No matter where you find yourself in “the love department,” there are a few things that you need by your side. Like crystals for love.

Now, before you wonder what these crystals are, I need to tell you something important: These aren’t any ordinary crystals. They’re known to attract your true love toward you like a magnet. They’re also known to mend broken hearts and make people love themselves all over again.

Yet due to some mysterious reasons, they remain largely unknown. Maybe their secrets are safeguarded because of their innate abilities. Which means me even sharing this with you is a huge deal and might get me in trouble in my closed circle. But I’m sharing it hoping you’ll make full use of this information.

Oh, and in case you want to find out about some money magnet stones, I have an article on that too.

Crystals for Love

1. Rose Quartz

Undoubtedly one of the best crystals for self love out there, rose quartz is full of compassion. Its gentle glimmer enhances its feminine energy, reminding you to love yourself whenever you look at it.

Rose quartz connects you firmly to the heart chakra, and builds up your trust and tolerance. Whether you want to alleviate the pain of old wounds, or are going through a recent setback, this is the stone you need. 

Crystals for love Rose Quartz

2. Amethyst

Amethyst is a stone that will help you find your true love. It is also known to promote a feeling of contentment in its users. I believe it is one of the most powerful crystals for love as it makes you feel at rest by easing any spiritual pain that you may be going through.

Also, it will help you in realizing your worth and make you feel loved. Remember that these stones are here to remind you that you’re beautiful and you can accomplish anything that you set out to.

Crystals for Love Amethyst

3. Green Aventurine 

Green aventurine comes loaded with good luck, which is something you’d need in a new relationship. To me, green aventurine is a stone with many practical properties. 

For one, it promotes success. Its green color attracts wealth (which is stereotypically associated with money). It will help you thrive in every aspect of your life and will create a solid bond with your heart chakra.

Moreover, it will give you the confidence you need to enter a new relationship and have a soothing effect on your mind. Finally, it can be used as a self-love crystal as well and works wonders in that capacity too. 

crystals for Love Green Aventurine

4. Lapis Lazuli

I believe one of the ways of building love in a relationship is to have clear communication. If you’re someone who struggles with it and wants to express your feelings clearly, lapis lazuli is one of the crystals for love that you need. 

Lapis lazuli is connected to the throat chakra, which is responsible for communication. When you use this stone, you will be able to freely tell your thoughts and ideas to your loved one. 

That in turn will strengthen your bond and remove any barriers that your relationship may have had.

Crystals for Love Lapis Lazuli
A macro shot of the center of a box full of polished blue stones, lapis lazuli. Seen at the TEP venue of the Tucson Rock and Gem Show, 2012 in Tucson, Arizona.

5. Agate

Agates come in all kinds of colors, and all of them are amazing crystals for self love. I’ll talk about some of them based on my research here.

Brown agate has a comforting and blissful vibe to it that puts your mind and heart at ease. You can use it when you feel like you haven’t loved yourself in a good time.

Meanwhile, moss agate has a deep natural feeling that connects immediately to the heart chakra. To me, its ideal use would be when you want to receive the love of your dreams. 

Finally, blue lace agate is another crystal that will help you navigate your way through a harmonious life. It’s about seeking the truth and knowing what’s right for you.

Crystals for Love Agate

6. Moonstone

Moonstone has an amazing relaxing aura that puts your heart and soul at ease. I think that it forms some of the best crystals for self love out there due to its glow.

This gemstone serves as a reminder that there’s always light at the end of the tunnel. It’s also said to reunite lovers, whether physically, emotionally or spiritually.

Finally, it’s one of the best crystals for attracting luck and money. If you want to know about 9 more of such crystals, read my linked article on it.

crystals for love moonstone

7. Ruby

The legendary ruby is connected to the root chakra (which is located at the bottom of your spine) to keep you grounded. There are two major reasons why I think it’s one of the best crystals for self love. 

There are times in your life when you want to be in control of everything happening around you, and that requires self-love and confidence. The ruby can help you in this by giving you a sense of power that makes heads turn. 

Another use that I’ve seen of this stone is self-prioritization. If you’re someone who forgets their entire existence in a romantic relationship to please your loved one, this stone is for you. 

It’ll remind you to love and prioritize yourself, so you don’t get lost in your romantic relationship.

Crystals for Love Ruby

8. Pink Tourmaline 

For me, pink tourmaline is different compared to the rest of crystals for love. This is because it attracts both love and luck. 

In the “matters of the heart,” this can be a very useful stone due to its strong connection to your heart chakra. You need a rock-solid connection to your heart if you want to love yourself and be proud of who you are.

Moreover, this is also the stone you need when you’re tired of trying hard in every facet of your life, yet aren’t seeing any results. 

In this case, pink tourmaline will attract luck towards you like a magnet, ensuring that you excel greatly in life.

Crystals for Love Pink Tourmaline

9. Citrine

I’ve featured citrine in many such articles in the past because it’s such a useful stone to have. Its bright yellow color will remind you to love and take care of yourself, making it one of the best crystals for self love out there.

Let me tell you of a secret ability of this stone that’s known to only a few people. If you’re in a relationship that has no love left in it, this stone might be of help. 

Citrine is said to bring back the missing love in your relationship that you’ve missed for so long.

Crystals for Love Citrine

10. Malachite

One of the premier crystals for love, malachite keeps your vibes steady and high. A life-sustaining stone, Malachite reflects the swirls and colors that can be found in nature, reminding you that when you nurture seeds, beauty is sure to bloom. 

Malachite forms a stable connection with the heart chakra. It gives a deep understanding of the spirit and helps you move from a place of suspicion to a place of trust. Positive and ever-affirming, Malachite is a magnet for love.

Crystals for Love Malachite

Summing Crystals for Love Up

Love is one of the most important and the most challenging steps in your journey to wholeness. Believe in your magic and be brave enough to put your own needs first. Then you’ll be better equipped to attract relationships that serve you well.

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