angel number 33Up Icon
Angel Number 33 Love: How to Not Rush Into Relationships?
Have you ever come across someone who always rushes headlong into romantic relationships? If you have, you may have noticed a particular thing about this person. That they’re always unhappy with their loved one.  What follows is either an endless […] More
Aquarius StelliumUp Icon
The Aquarius Stellium Meaning and Its Intensity On Aquarians
A stellium is when multiple planets enter a zodiac sign. This causes people with that sign to be pulled by all of those planets. One of these stelliums is an Aquarius stellium. It impacts the average Aquarian in countless ways, […] More
how to use tarot to guide you after divorceUp Icon
Utilizing Tarot as a Beacon in the Aftermath of Divorce
Warmest New Year Wishes, Dear Ones! The dawn of a new year brings transformative events. While our hearts are filled with optimism, it's essential to acknowledge that some may be facing heartache and loss as we venture into 2019. If […] More
how to use tarot to discover how other people see youUp Icon
Unveil Your Persona: Utilizing Tarot to Reveal How Others Perceive You
Is it truly possible to uncover how others perceive you through the mystical power of Tarot cards? The concept can be quite astonishing, akin to a form of telepathy typically found in fantastical series like Heroes or X-Men. As we […] More
how to use tarot during meditationUp Icon
Unlocking Inner Wisdom: Tarot and Meditation
​In recent years, the advantages of meditation for our emotional health and intuitive potential have gained increased attention. Nevertheless, some individuals struggle to remain calm and focused due to a racing mind. If you experience anxiety or restlessness during meditation […] More
how to use free online tarot reading for career successUp Icon
Unlocking Career Success with Free Online Tarot Readings
Are you curious about whether a complimentary online tarot reading can provide valuable insights for your career path? Originating in Italy around 1420, tarot has been a trusted source of career guidance for people from various walks of life. In […] More
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Mars in leoUp Icon
Explained: Mars in Leo And How It Can Change Your Life?
Leo is the most passionate, zealous and driven out of all the zodiac signs. If you’re a Leo, you know well of your unharnessed energy that fuels your life and makes you a natural leader.  There is an astrological placement […]
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understanding the strength tarot cardUp Icon
The Power Within: The Strength Card Explained
Walking in a barren place, you see a woman struggling in the distance. As the sunset grows darker, her white gown stands out in the gloom. As you get closer, you see that she is actually wrestling with a lion […]
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Purify the Vibrational Energy of Your HomeUp Icon
5 Effortless Practices to Purify the Vibrational Energy of Your Home
Clearing out any adverse vibrational energy nestled within the walls of your haven is not only an accessible task but also a budget-friendly one. To maintain an oasis of positivity and tranquility, we advise conducting an energy sanitization of your […]
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white auraUp Icon
What is a White Aura and How Does it Affect Your Life?
An aura is a field of energy that surrounds all living beings and emanates from every single individual. Did you know that in Hindu scriptures (like the Vedas), there are 7 auras expressed in 7 layers? (or chakras, more on […]
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Mars in Aquarius ManUp Icon
What Does It Mean To Be A Mars in Aquarius Man?
In case you don’t know, Mars is all about action, combativeness and assertion. So when Mars and Aquarius unite in an astrological placement, you get Mars in Aquarius. While it affects men and women equally, in this article, I’ll be […]
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Life Path Number 33Up Icon
The Meaning of Life Path Number 33 in Your Career and Marriage 
One of the most peculiar life path numbers I have seen over the years is life path number 33. This is a number overflowing with creativity, love, care and kindness. If this is your life path number, it will make […]
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