The Chariot

The Chariot in the Tarot of Marseilles

Star Sign: Cancer - Emotional sensitivity, protection of emotions

Card description:

A crowned warrior sets out to battle in his chariot. He is wearing a crown and carries a scepter or club. He is well armored and lunar faces adorn his shoulder armor. Four posts hold up the canopy over his head. You can just make out the two wheels of the chariot in the background. Meanwhile, a pair of horses draw the charioteer down his path. The ground that they travel on is rough - there is no sign of a road.

The charioteer’s crown is a sign of his authority and will. The lunar faces on his shoulders indicate his connection to his intuition. His scepter is an extension of his power.

The posts on his chariot represent the four elements - earth, air, fire, and water - rooting this card in the physical world. The canopy above indicates the celestial forces. The solid cube of the chariot represents stability, but the horses represent motion.

Meanwhile, the wheels look as though they are pointing in opposite directions. This combination of elements hint that the chariot at its best can be used to carefully expand the charioteer’s field of influence.  

Card meaning:

The chariot is a vehicle that can be used to advance your goals and expand your sphere of influence.

When acting at his best, the charioteer has united the opposite forces represented by the red and blue horses to use their energy to carry him further down the road.

However, the charioteer may not be battle-tested. His crown is just a simple crown. It doesn’t incorporate a helmet, like the crown that sits atop the Emperor’s head. He runs the risk of going off course and traversing the rocky ground of inexperience. He may even crash if he can’t keep firm control of what drives him.

He must use his intuition to see clearly and choose the right direction. The four elements, represented by the four pillars on his chariot, must remain balanced to support the influences he receives from the heavenly spheres.


Set forth and conquer your dreams. It’s time to advance your interests. Though you have a lot of momentum, try to keep the powers that drive you in check. You are likely to experience some obstacles or sudden turns on your route which could set you off course. Your intuition can guide you if you take time to listen. Stay the course and keep pursuing your dreams.

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